僕はただ歪んでゆく街を 遠くから眺めていた
君の叫び声が 小鳥の群れに
絡む 螺旋のまますべては消えてゆく
カルミアの黄昏は 溶け合うほど熱くなって
僕の笑い声は 喜劇のように
夜明けの瞬きは 誰より優しくて
夜明けのさよならは 今の僕には哀しすぎて
boku wa tada yugande yuku machi wo tooku kara nagamete ita
oto wa nani mo kikoenai
kubi no nai ningyou ga takusan waratteru
sora(uchuu) e kaette yuku
subete wa sora(uchuu) e
kimi mo umareta basho e
naki sakebi nagara
kimi no sakebigoe ga kotori no mure ni
karamu rasen no mama subete wa kiete yuku
koboreta namida ga uke tometa toki ni kudake yuku oto made
boku no karada ni nagare ochita
karumia no tasogare wa tokeau hodo ni atsuku natte
boku no waraigoe wa kigeki no you ni
yoake no mabotaki wa dare yori mo yasashikute
tobichiru garasu no kanaderu neiro ni
nemuri wo jama sareta tsumetai tsuki ga naki sakebu
saigo no inori wa hitoshizugu no ame
yoake no sayonara wa ima no boku ni wa kanashi sugite
I was just gazing from far away at the distorting city streets
Without a sound to be heard
many headless dolls are laughing
It’s returning to the sky1
Everything to the sky
Even you, to where you were born
as you cry out
Your screaming voice becomes a flock of little birds
In a tangled spiral, everything is vanishing
When the overflowing tears hit my body
they poured over it until I heard it breaking apart
The kalmia’s twilight becomes so hot that it all melts together
My voice laughs, as if it were a comedy
The glimmer of dawn is kinder than anyone
Disturbed from her sleep by a concerto of shattering glass2
the cold moon cries out
The last prayer is a single drop of rain
The farewell at dawn is too sad for me now

1. The written lyrics say 宇宙(uchuu) “universe” but the sung ones are 空(sora) “sky”
2. Literally something like “Its sleep interrupted by the played (like an instrument) timbre of shattering glass”. I modified this a bit to something that still sounded poetic in English.