祈ることしかできなくて… 悲しみは癒えない
許されないのなら すべてが消えればいい
祈ることしかできなくて… 悲しみは癒えない
hikari no naka de mita osanai kioku wa
kegareta kono boku ni wa ima mo toosugite
yami no naka kimi no na wo nando mo sakenda
owaranai toki no naka de kimi shika inakute
aganau koto sae dekizu ni boku wo toji komeru
inoru koto shika dekinakute… kanashimi wa ienai
ajisai no nureta ha wo ichimai chigitta
mizutamari ni ukabete kimi wo omoidasu
ameagari no yuugure ni kasukani kikoeta tooku no fune no kiteki
nazeka kanashikute
yurusarenai mono nara subete ga kiereba ii
kurushimi mo itami mo nanimo iranai sekai e
aganau koto sae dekizu ni boku wo toji komeru
inoru koto shika dekinakute… kanashimi wa ienai
yashiku naita sora kara kikoeta kimi no koe mo
namida wo ukabeta mama waratta boku ni wa mienai…
hikari no naka de mita osanai kioku wa
oto no nai egao sae imi wa ureshikute
nido to modorenai ano koro ni mo
bokutachi wa waratte ita
The memory of younger days that I saw in the light
Is too far away from me now, stained as I am
In the darkness, I shouted your name over and over
Within this endless time, there is no one but you¹
Unable to even atone, I shut myself away
There’s nothing I can do but pray… My sorrow will not heal
I tore a single leaf from the hydrangea
I float it in a puddle and remember you
Heard faintly in the evening after the rain
The distant whistle of a ship
Somehow makes me sad
If it will never be forgiven, then I want everything to vanish
My suffering and pain to a world that asks nothing
Unable to even atone, I shut myself away
There’s nothing I can do but pray… My sorrow will not heal
Even your voice that I heard from the gently weeping sky
Smiling with tears in my eyes, I can’t see you…
The memory of younger days that I saw in the light
Even a silent smile would make me happy now
And in that time we can never return to
We were smiling

- Written 時代 jidai “age, era”, sung toki “time”.