他愛ない 言葉並べ
笑うだけで世界を 手に入れたような気がした
時が経って 振り向くとき
気付くだろう あれが俺たちのRoots
悩むよりも 落書きしてやれ
楽しめたヤツが 最後まで笑うさ
眠れない夜には太陽 くじけそうな心に王冠を
バッグに好奇心 だけ詰めて
この先も なんとなく 行けるもんだと思ってた
道は分かれ それぞれでも
永遠に 切り離せないRoots
最速のルート シミュレーションそれ大事
土砂降りの夕暮れに傘 つかれた心に君の笑顔
消されたって懲りず 描けGraffiti
無限にあった 時間と自由と 終らせないで Go on as you are!
悩むよりも 落書きしてやれ
楽しめたヤツが 最後まで笑うさ
眠れない夜には太陽 くじけそうな心に王冠を
君が思うまま 描けGraffiti
最速のルート シミュレーションそれ大事
土砂降りの夕暮れに傘 つかれた心に君の笑顔
消されたって懲りず 望んだそのまま 描けGraffiti
mado no mukou mieta sora ni
hate nante nai to shinjiteta
tawainai kotoba narabe
warau dake de sekai wo te ni ireta you na ki ga shita
toki ga tatte furi muku toki
kizuku darou are ga oretachi no Roots
kabe ni buchi atatta toki wa
nayamu yori mo rakugaki shite yare
tanoshimeta yatsu ga saigo made warau sa
nemurenai yoru ni wa taiyou kujikesou na kokoro ni oukan wo
kimi ga omou mama egake Graffiti
manuaru wa oita mama de
baggu ni koukishin dake tsutomete
soba ni iru nakama tachi to
kono saki mo nantonaku ikeru mon da to omotteta
michi ga wakare sorezore demo
eien ni kiri hanasenai Roots
todokanai to omoeta yume
togire sou na reeru ni uwanuri
sassoku no ruuto shimureeshon sore daiji
doshaburi no yuugure ni kasa tsukareta kokoro ni kimi no egao
kesareta tte korizu egake Grafitti
kawatte ii koto to
kawattara jibun janaku naru koto…
mugen ni atta jikan to jiyuu to owarasenai de Go on as you are!
kabe ni buchi atatta toki wa
nayamu yori mo rakugaki shite yare
tanoshimeta yatsu ga saigo made warau sa
nemurenai yoru ni wa taiyou kujikesou na kokoro ni oukan wo
kimi ga omou mama egake Graffiti
todokanai to omoeta yume
togire sou na reeru ni uwanuri
sassoku no ruuto shimureeshon sore daiji
doshaburi no yuugure ni kasa tsukareta kokoro ni kimi no egao
kesareta tte korizu nozonda sono mama egake Grafitti
We believed there was no end
to the sky that we could see outside the window
Speaking silly words
it felt like we had the whole world in our hands just by laughing
Time passes, and when we look back
we’ll realize- those are our roots
When you crash into a wall
Don’t worry, graffiti it
Those who were able to have fun will laugh until the end
A sun on a sleepless night, a crown on a breaking heart
Draw what you feel- Graffiti
I left the manual behind
and just packed my bag full of curiosity
I felt that I could keep going
with the friends who were by my side
Even though we each go our own ways
We can never be cut away from our roots
The dream that seemed unreachable
A topcoat on the rail that seems like it’s going to end
Simulating the fastest route, that’s important
An umbrella in the evening downpour, your smile on a tired heart
If it’s erased, don’t give up, draw Graffiti
The things you can change about yourself
and the things that you won’t be yourself if you change
Don’t let the infinite time and freedom end, Go on as you are!
When you crash into a wall
Don’t worry, graffiti it
Those who were able to have fun will laugh until the end
A sun on a sleepless night, a crown on a breaking heart
Draw what you feel- Graffiti
The dream that seemed unreachable
A topcoat on the rail that seems like it’s going to end
Simulating the fastest route, that’s important
An umbrella in the evening downpour, your smile on a tired heart
If it’s erased, don’t give up, draw it just how you wished- Graffiti